Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wisdom teeth,braces,and a cavity :[?

Yes... I have all three! :[ I think I am going to have my wisdom teeth removed soon and today I discovered that I have a cavity. I also need braces. Would it be possible that when they put me under to remove my wisdom teeth they fix my cavity and put on my braces? I know it will be painful but I'm already 16 and I don't want to wait any longer to get my braces!

Wisdom teeth,braces,and a cavity :[?
ok, cavity...never had one, but they are done by dentists.

braces, they dont' hurt to put them on...they hurt later that day, and they won't put them on until after your wisdom teeth are healed. Orthodontists do that.

Wisdom teeth, Oral surgens do that and how much pain you're in depends on the doctor. I had 4 done at once, 2 partially impacted and the only time they hurt was the next day when I was in the car. Advice....sleep as close to sitting up as you can, if the doc offers prednisone (spelling) then take it, it's a steroid to keep swelling down. I also got two valuims to relax me so i could sleep the night before and be relaxed going in the morning. I was put to sleep during the procedure. To be honest, my pain at any given point was never higher then a 1 out of 10. DO NOT stick your tongue in the friend did that and was in pain for 2 weeks cuz she was preventing the holes from healing. I only took 3 of the pain pills the doctor gave me. one before the local numbing wore off and then two the next day when i got out of the car.
Reply:when your older your teeth will be beautiful
Reply:they don't put ou under to do your braces it doesn't hurt 0_o
Reply:Braces and cavities don't hurt, so no worries. I haven't had my wisdom teeth pulled yet, so can't help you there. But it will all be worth it when you have these perfect, white teeth. Hope this helps! :)
Reply:No usually they will schedule you for several torture sessions in a row.
Reply:Usually the people who take out wisdom teeth are oral surgeons and do it in a setup that does not have drilling stuff on hand. If you really feel you can't take it with modern local anesthesia, look around for a dentist who uses gas for ordinary procedures. Orthodontists do braces and I don't know if they do dental work - I use Monarch Dental and they advertise both and don't do wisdom teeth.
Reply:ugg...I just got my Wisdom teeth pulled on Monday...This is hell. Believe me you do NOT want to get all three done at the same time. I would wait a month or so between each one. But hey if you have some really weird thrill issue and like going through hell....go for it.

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