Saturday, November 14, 2009

Question about impacted wisdom teeth and braces?

I have 2 impacted bottom wisdom teeth and i want braces on since i have the money for them now.

But will the orthodontist put braces on me if i have impacted wisdom teeth? I do plan on getting them out soon after the braces.

Question about impacted wisdom teeth and braces?
Depending on your age the orthodontist may want the out before the braces are placed. Usually, the teeth need to be removed before ortho is finished to prevent pressure from the impacted teeth from moving the teeth. Teeth after braces move very easily, this is why wearing your retainer is so important. If your wisdom teeth are ready to come out it is better to have it done b/c they can move things or even become infected. I have seen a person that did not have their impacted wisdom teeth removed and suffered a brain abscess as a result from the infection. Don't know if that person will live yet or if they will be ok.
Reply:I used to work for an orthodontist and he would have never put braces on before the wisdom teeth came out first. You will have problems in the future with shifting of the teeth. It's better to get rid of those wisdom teeth now and then do the braces thing afterwards.

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