Saturday, May 15, 2010

Braces off-Teeth look weird?


i jst got my braces off a couple of minutes ago, and my teeth look really weird, very big, is this normal and wear off, or really abnormal?

Braces off-Teeth look weird?
This is normal. I had mine taken off in January and my teeth looked HUGE for a few hours. They also felt slick or slimy to me too. I was used to rubbing my tongue over those brackets and the feel of my teeth without them was weird to me.

You'll get used to the new look and feel in a little while and you'll LOVE the new you! Congratulations on the new you!
Reply:It's normal for you to think your teeth look really big/different. You are used to your teeth looking one way, then you had brackets on your teeth for a year or two (unless you had Invisiline!).

Give it some time...your new look will grow on you. If not, then speak with your orothodontist about your concerns.
Reply:it is normal, go for dentist to make a new teeth.

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