Friday, May 21, 2010

Can my wisdom teeth be removed while my braces are still on?

I'm getting braces tomorrow and my wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday, but I haven't told my oral surgeon that I will be coming in for wisdom teeth surgery with braces on. I'm going to tell him tomorrow morning, but I just wanted to know if he will be able to remove them at all. Thanks!

Can my wisdom teeth be removed while my braces are still on?
it would be hard to do...but i think so.

you'd just have metal gaps..

and a lot of paiN!

Reply:yes they can remove them because your wisdom teeth are not even in your mouth yet they are burried under your gums....but fair warning i would NOOOOTTT get braces and then get your wisdom teeth out...the pain of braces is really hard and the whole wisdom tooth thing is a real pain in the seem young sense your just getting braces so to tell you the truth for your best interest i would postpone the wisdom tooth surgery until your braces are removed
Reply:I am sure they have a way of doing it.
Reply:yeah, i was actually told by my ortho that i needed to get my wisdom teeth removed before end of treatment but now was not necessary. so i will have braces on when I get them removed. they do not put bands on ur very last molar it is the 2nd to last so u will have another teeth back ther to stop the oral surgeon from touching braces. i dont think it will be a problem. but i agree with others that u may want to wait on either braces or wisdom teeth not the type of pain u want all at once. won't be able to eat a thing for abotu 2 wks if u do that.
Reply:Oh boy can they, alittle warning, the gauze they give you sticks to the metal of your braces, and it hurts!!

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