I am very concerned about my gum lines receding. I am nineteen and have braces.My teeth look really great except if I pull my lip down and look at my gums on the front two bottom teeth. But I brush carefully, floss,etc. I have very good oral hygiene.
The recession is pretty bad. I have called a periodontists but hope i don't have to take it that far. I don't want to loose those teeth.
Those two teeth are sensitive to the touch/hot/cold more recently, where the gum is receding especially. I don't bite into anything even a little hard with those teeth, I can but I am afraid of making them worse.They aren't loose or anything. I keep them clean and brush lightly. Now I will try swishing with warm salt water as I saw someone else's question about the same thing and that was recommended.
1) Is there something that i can do to try to restore the gums without surgery?
2) Once the braces are off could they get better on there own?
Please give me any advice you have.
I have a receding gum line of the front two bottom teeth due to braces. What can I do to cure this?
This is something that you should discuss with your Orthodontist. It may be that the teeth are being moved too quickly causing this recession.
Do not scrape your gum tissue or use a tooth pick. Continue to brush and floss as you have been and use warm salt water rinses.
Call your ortho or dentist for an exam and consult in regard to this problem. It may be that you have nothing to worry about and this just "looks" odd to you due to the movement. Ortho movement will make your teeth loose and feel more sensitive.
If you've not had any hygiene problems in the past, then it's unlikely this could be perio.
I hope I've been of some help and that you will discuss this with either your dentist or your orthodontist as soon as possible. Good luck with your ortho treatment and continue to keep them clean for the best end results of a beautiful smile!
Additional information: If you have excellent hygiene, have kept up with your normal cleaning appointments and do not have plaque build up on your gum tissue. Do not use a tooth pick to make your tissue bleed. You are in braces and need to have this checked by your ortho or dentist, I can not stress this enough. Do not damage your tissue any further by prodding under the tissue with objects, let your dentist decide what should be done for your best dental health. You can stimulate the gum tissue by rubbing it with a clean finger after flossing and brushing, not a finger nail, just the finger. Please see your dentist for an evaluation.
Reply:Two things. One. rinse your mouth out after eating anything and scrape your teeth with your finger nail. Two, vitamin C is essential to gum health. Take a lot of it. Eat limes raw, etc. And, oh yea, dig into your gums with a toothpick to let them bleed. once a day or every few days. This flushes out germs. When healthy, they wont bleed. (rinsing with clean cold water is the best. The best tooth brush to use is the one with the rows at opposit angles. Really scrapes plaque. Choose Medium. A medium brush will soon become a little softer and be ideal. Don't listen to the dentists who say only use a soft brush. They soon get too soft and don't do much. A hard brush is too abrasive to the gums.
Reply:Take a round toothpick and gently scrape below the gum line all the way around the tooth. It will begin to bleed but that's good. Cleaning under the gum line is normally over looked but it will eventually make your gums grow back over your teeth.
Reply:as your gums recede cementum(what covers the roots of teeth below the gums as opposed to enamal which what is on the crown of teeth) becomes exposed. Cementum is more sensitive than enamal. Some people say fluoride treatments such as varnishes help the sensitivity. As far as surgery, if the recession is great enough you might need a free gingival graft. Which is a minor surgery done under local anesthetic were they take a little skin from the roof of your mouth and graft it onto the graft site. The donor site will just feel like you have a pizza burn for a little while and will heal fast. People say this helps significantly with the sensitivity.
Reply:Hey Renee. Nothing else can be done once those teeth are adjusted---same thing is happening to me currently. Surgery is the only option, but they use the tissue from your roof of your mouth to do it. Use the plexabrush (called something like that) to floss with, but first dip it into listerine. Only use floss if the brush won't go through. This will kill all bacteria that is going into those sensitive areas---floss will cut the gums since they are so sensitive. Also use an electric toothbrush and go right along the gumline on the outside and inside of your teeth. Don't press with it too hard, but just enough so that the bristles begin to expand. This is what my periodontist just instructed me to do since the dentists, orthodontist, etc. didn't even tell me i have gingivitis and gum loss!!!!!! My teeth were killing me---but not for long! ;o)
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