Friday, May 21, 2010

Is it right to have to have two teeth extracted for Braces? :(?

I'm 15 and went to the orthdontist before. He told me to get two adult teeth taken out thenin 2 weeks he'll put spacers then braces etc. BUT my other teeth haven't all come through yet! So don't all your adult molar teeth have to come through first? %26amp; I don't want to get the teeth taken out because I've already got visible gaps from baby teeth falling out!!

Please tell me if you know this is normal and fine, or if there's anyway I DON'T have to get teeth taken out!! Thankyou!!

Is it right to have to have two teeth extracted for Braces? :(?
im pretty sure that the ortho will know what he is talking about. you dont need your adult molars. i currently have braces, and they dont put anything on your adult molars. the ring thing that the wire attaches to goes on the other molar. you normally want to have all your baby teeth gone before they put on braces, so that when it does fall out it does grow back in weird and move your teeth. im guess that if you have some spaces from baby teeth you recently lost, if they grow in enough, theyll stick a bracket on it. if you are really worried, stop by and ask him to explain it to you.


oh yeah, i forgot to add that if your teeth are really crooked, getting some taken out would be a good idea. it would allow for more space in your mouth, and in the long run better/healthier teeth!
Reply:If you don't want the teeth out, ask your orthodontist what will happen if you don't get them out. If he/she is still willing to treat you and you can accept the compromised outcome, just don't get them out.

However... It is NO BIG DEAL to get these teeth out. 99 times out of 100, the kid (usually 11-12 years old - NOT 15) can't believe they are out. Don't worry about the extractions.

And, you say that you are worried about the visible gaps, but the plan would be to close up those gaps.
Reply:I thought the idea of braces was to straighten and strengthen teeth already there .... having 2 removed would seem totally counter-productive. Though I'm no dentist it doesn't seem right ...unless the teeth he's going to remove are impeeding some that haven't come through yet ... I'd think I'd be going and getting a second opinion from another orthodontist
Reply:click on the link from the source section.... everything you want to know is there from someone's story. They had the same concern.

One very common question on our Metal Mouth Forum involves extraction. Often, adults may need teeth extracted to make room so their other teeth can move into their proper positions.

Extractions and Children: Be Careful!

What about children? Personally I do not advocate tooth extraction in children because they are still growing. Years ago, extraction for children was common, but this is not the case today. Some orthodontists still routinely extract children's teeth. If you encounter this, please seek several additional opinions before making your decision.

There are many other methods that can be used to meld children's jaws to make room (palate expansion, headgear, or guided growth methodology). Extracting teeth from children can result in less than optimal facial aesthetics. In other words, you child's face may not wind up looking as good as it could have, because it will grow longer and flatter instead of fuller.

One exception involves a Class III malocclusion. Class III cases are technically much more difficult and often involve jaw surgery. If you need more information about Class III malocclusion, read about it in our FAQ.
Reply:I'm not sure if they did the right thing, but I had two teeth extracted before they wired me with braces. Eventually, it looked okay. The thing is, they're the experts and if we don't trust them, we can drive ourselves crazy.
Reply:do what doctor advises and ofcourse you seek your parents help
Reply:When I got my braces they took two of my upper teeth out. they said this would leave room for the teeth to move towards the rear. If you don't wear your headgear you will be waisting money and time. The faster you can get your braces off the better. Please wear your headgear.

You may feel self conscious wearing the braces, but I think I was lucky in love while I was wearing them. I think they gave me a sense of humility and a very shy smile. It was a killer combination for the ladies.

Good luck to you. You can always get a professional second opinion.
Reply:When I started my braces extravagaza in like 6th grade I had to have 6 teeth pulled before they could start orthodontic treatment... Ive had adult teeth taken out as well.

It may not make sense to take out perfectly fine teeth but usually its due to crowding or if your teeth are crooked in order to move them straight they need more space...

to your question of is it right... well... if you think its right to have straighter teeth than perhaps it is the best treatment method. Remember your ultimate goal is to have a beautiful smile with straight teeth, otherwise you wouldnt be visiting an orthodontist. If you think its not normal(although I think that they usually have a reason for the things they do and know what results it would produce) then go get a second opinion at another orthodontist.

Personally, although it sucked to get 6 teeth pulled in one day... the results and compliments I get on my straight teeth today and the boost of confidence I have as well was well worth the short time span of being uncomfortable... and im happy I dont have an overcrowded mouth anymore too. :-D
Reply:Is your jaw to small to accommodate all your teeth?that is what my problem was i had four adult teeth removed when i was a teenager and i have a beautiful and straight smile.if you dont trust that dentist get a 2nd opinion but he is dentist (a doctor of teeth)I had spacers and rubberbands youll feel dorky for awhile but the end result is worth it.
Reply:look, if you have crowded teeth, thats why they're takent hem out. in the end after they puy braces on, the braces are gonna close the gaps of those extracted teeth.

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