I have never bothered before but wonder whether it's too late to get braces fitted by NHS, I am 40 and one tooth kind of crosses over another, not much but if it wasn't like that my teeth would be perfect. How long do you wear braces for and is it too late at my age. Thanks
Is age 40 too late to get braces for teeth on the NHS?
The NHS will not fund orthodontic treatment over the age of 19 and most children are referred at the age of 7-8 for initial consultation whilst the development of permanent teeth can be evaluated easily. The NHS are even beginning to cut back (probably for financial reasons) on referral for orthodontic treatment for children and will now only refer in moderate to severe cases and for the reason that straight teeth enables proper cleaning and is therefore a good preventative measure to prevent dental treatment as a result of decay. The NHS doesn't allocate their scarce resources so that children can have perfect looking teeth.
Without examination of your teeth it seems difficult to assess whether you should consider private treatment but it seems to be asthetic rather than causing you a particular dental problem. However, if you do choose to take this option be prepared to pay about £3000.
Depending on the treatment needed braces can be worn for varying amounts of time and cost varying amounts. It sounds like your problem could probably be corrected wihtin a period of 6-12 months with a removable brace and this may cost only around £1800. If these two teeth are the only problem I do not expect that orthodontic treatment would be recommended even if undertaken privately. Teeth however can move at any age so a 40 year old in need of treatment would be able to seek treatment privately.
Reply:yes unfortunately but they probably crown the tooth
Reply:I don't think it is no, if it'll make a difference to your life then why not go for it. I think it's usually about a year and a half
Reply:yea i think so
Reply:I had some braces in my 30's so you might be able to. Whether the NHS will pay for a cosmetic process, rather than one that is necessary (e.g. if you were grinding your teeth) is another question. I think Tom Cruise was heading on 40 when he had one wasn't he?
You have to wear braces for up to 2 years, and then probably a retainer for more time. If your musculature is quite strong, and would push the teeth back into the previous position (a possibility I had) you might have to have a permanent retainer fitted to the rear of the teeth. They're a real pain - both to keep teeth clean, and in the pressure that gets put onto your gum line to move the teeth.
It may be that your teeth could have a veneer fitted that would hide the issue.
Reply:I did Invisaligns at 36. People can't tell when you are wearing them and you can take them out when necessary. I'm glad I did it. $3,000 -- Health insurance did not cover it.
Reply:If you Waite until you are 40 to see that you want braces what were you doing all these yrs.? Isn't it that you were lase, weren't looking in the merow, or you could not afford it.?? and I would not believe none of the above because you are not thinking of paying for it now so you could get it from the NHS. all these YRS.
I think you should just for get it since it does not heart. Like they say,If does not brake don't fix it, and if you have fiend a pardner %26amp;.
he or she cannot take you like you are then tell them to take a work. If you are having pain, then thats a drefienc thing but if not,
Just be cool with your self. Saying all that, I will tell you that one is
never too old to do any thing, but why do the unnecessary just because you can do it?? Then that's not too wise @ all. One should only do what is worth wild doing and meaningful And not because sone one says so but because you know it's correct and does not hurt or bad for you or any one elce so if you want to
put your braces on and you can stand the dis comfort for the period of time go a head and do it for your self and not even for me. At the saim time my personal feeling I think you may looked alittle silley in your braces @ 40!.%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;.
Reply:It is probably too late unfortunatly. Your problem is mainly cosmetic and at the moment the NHS won't even pay for children to have braces unless they have really severe overcrowding of the teeth, cut backs and all that, I was a dental nurse for a number of years and the new contracts for dentists are awful. If it's really a big problem for you, you could discuss various other different treatment options with your dentist. It would probably be a private treatment though due to the fact that its cosmetic. Veneers are sometimes an option, but you must remeber that even they destroy some of the surface layer of your tooth and still need replacing after a while so it could be costly too.
Reply:On the nhs yes, as your over 18 years of age and because the reason you want them is for cosmetic reasons.
you can ask your dentist to refer you to an orthodontist but believe me they will charge you on a private basis and it can work out very costly.
In some cases even children's parents have been told that they will have to pay as the child's teeth do not warrant braces and it's purely cosmetic.
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