Thursday, November 12, 2009


do braces a right wuss and i know if they hurt im going to be crying all the time and im getting fitted braces soon and i need to know the truth so i can be prepaired please help and give as much asvise as you can think of e.g. food,brushing teeth ect. also can you use electric toothbrushes when you have braces...thank yoou! xoxoxo

Braces arent too bad. Got them. They do hurt a lil bit :S but not as much as everybody makes them out to be.

On the first day once you get them fitted in, (doesnt hurt to get them fitted in) after 1-2 hours the pain kicks in, its just your teeth moving. I found going to sleep helps because when i woke up the pain was gone :) . you get used to them after 3 days, and it stops hurting n al .You get them adjusted and dependin on how many brackets you get tighted it then depends on the pain( more tighted brackets= more pain) the pain does go away after a few days, its not like the pain is there for ages.

Foods you CAN'T eat

HARD CANDY skittles (i tried it my bracket fell off :( )


Corn on cob

Chewy meats, you can eat them but be careful.


Chewing gum

Just cut up your food. it easier on the first week eat all soft foods like





I Dont know about electric toothbrushes though :S

Be happy i no you will feel insecure about them EVERYONE DOES! but you get used to them and its all worth it !!!! so get them lol :) and if your worried about ppl, trust me ppl dont notice them after a week or 2 !!!

hope that helped :)
Reply:I was told 2 years ago I have got to have a brace %26amp; still waiting. BUT a friend who had one told me they hurt when it is tightened up Not your teeth hurt just your gums.

There will be alot of food you wont be able to eat sadly. Like toffees!!
Reply:well..........the spacers used before the braces hurt afterwards....the teeth get sensitive.........then the braces are put on ...if bands are used ,it is uncomfortable at first....then everytime they tighten the wires,hurts for couple days,usually teeth are sensitive....even eating bread hurts for a day or so....if bands are glued on teeth,not caps ,then maybe pain is less......pain is not a good term,uncomfortable is more like it...good luck........
Reply:I have just had my braces taken off, and seriously, they are absolutely worth it!

First of all, don't get freaked out by the long time you will have to wear them It passes in a flash!

When you get your brace put on, the process of having it attached to your teeth doesn't hurt. For the first week, you will experience mild discomfort and aching in your teeth, but that is just your mouth adjusting to them. I would carry around pain killers with you for a while.

I would not suggest eating hard foods such as carrots and apples for at least two or three weeks as your teeth will be sensitive for a long time. After that, they will be ok. I would avoid REALLY chewy sweets such as Rowntree's Fruit Gums and also toffee. I had no problem with chewing gum, but I wouldn't advise it.

Also, you will probably have a sore throat for a while as the metal in your mouth will attract more bacteria than usual. Your teeth will hurt for a couple of hours everytime you get it tightened, but it is nothing to worry about. The first month is the worst but then you tend to stop noticing they are there.

As for brushing, you need to brush twice a day and WELL! Brush under the wire of your brace as well as the wire itself. This is very important! I suggest you brush for longer than you would usually. You can use an electric toothbrush, but don't forget to actually brush rather than let it vibrate against your teeth.

Do not worry about how the brace will feel, look etc. It is a doddle to look after and it doesn't take long to get used to. When you get them off, it is the best feeling in the world! Go through with it optimistically! It is definitely worth it! Good Luck, www.hello_there x
Reply:I had braces for 3 years and they dont hurt at all. The fitting is perfectly comfortable and the removal is nothing. The only thing that causes some discomfort is when they are tightened, so for the next 24 hours just cook your carrots and dont eat them raw, but that goes without saying!

As for toothbrushes, i never used the proper things they recommended and i turned out alright.

Also when you first get them put on you'll find you'll be sucking on you teeth for hours on day 1, its a brain reflex, dont worry about it.

Also, keep smiling, loads of people i know are scared of their braces, but i liked mine, so i smiled =)
Reply:Thank God that i dont have braces or need, but, the people that have them they told me that it hurts, cuz every visist to the doctor they pull tthem so they go more tide and move the teeth.

I think that that hurts a lot. But is good for your health, and you will look nice after the baraces are gone.
Reply:Hey, I recently had braces fixed on my top teeth and the first few days wern't particully nice. It makes your teeth really sensitive and it it can be really hard to eat. But after a few days the pain has gone. You can pretty much eat what you want but it can be hard to eat certin things like Apples. Chewing Gum is a no no as it gets stuck everywhere and i wouldn't reccomened a electric toothbrush as it does not clean your teeth as well as a normal one and it may be hard to clean around the brackets on a brace. I know it down't sound very pleasent but to be honest i almost forget i have mine on now. Good luck and keep smiling!
Reply:yes lots of blood comes and the wire they put in can cut through your gum and make a hole in your lip i was dead scared trust me bye x

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